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Saturday 6th September 2025

Moreton Show Joins the Elite for Aberdeen-Angus Competition

Moreton Show has been included among some of the top events in the country to host the prestigious Walkers Shortbread Aberdeen-Angus Show Herd of the Year Competition.


The contest, which carries a handsome trophy and prize money of £500, involves exhibitor bred cattle accumulating points for placing first, second or third at ten shows around the country. Moreton Show, on Saturday, September 7, has been named as one of the nominated shows for the second time in four years.


The others are the Royal Cornwall (June 6-8), Royal Highland Show (June 20-23), Great Yorkshire Show (July 9-11), Kirriemuir Show (July 13), Summer National Show at the Royal Welsh (July 22-25), the Border Union (July 26-27), Turriff in Aberdeenshire (August 4-5), the Westmorland County Show (September 12) and the Winter National Show in Carlisle (November 1).


The glossy, black Aberdeen-Angus are known to be extremely hardy and are one of the country's most attractive show breeds. 


Lynne Parkes, the livestock secretary at Moreton Show, which is celebrating its 70th anniversary, said: ‘Moreton Show is in prestigious company and we’re honoured to be included in hosting the prime competition for Aberdeen-Angus cattle again.  Many farmers here in Gloucestershire and the South-West have the breed on their farms and we’re looking forward to seeing some of the finest Aberdeen-Angus from across the country in our show ring to support the competition.’


The deadline for entering Aberdeen Angus and all other cattle at Moreton Show is July 31. Details of all the livestock classes are on the website at www.moretonshow.co.uk. E-tickets for this year’s show are also available through the website.


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Moreton-in-Marsh Agricultural and Horse Show Society is a Company Limited by Guarantee, Registered in England No. 2397134; Registered Charity No. 900122. Registered Office: Moreton Show Office, 5 Wychwood Court, London Road, Moreton-in-Marsh, Glos, GL56 0JQ